What is Net2Web?
Developer tool that gives possibilities to web developers of unlimited access to Paxton NET2 software from anywhere.
Brief program features:
- Supports most NET2 SDK methods and Advanced Permissions as well.
- Simplified work with methods
- Encrypting support (OpenSSL and 3DES)
- Customisable security key and port for program access
- Using push technology for monitoring realtime events
- Using pulse technology (Sending emails on a schedule or on demand)
- Realtime debugging
- Link failover feature
- Ability to activate and deactivate the program
- CloudBridge feature
Description of features:
- Program supports most methods of NET2 SDK. See list of all supported methods.
- For more difficult methods like 'addnewuser, updateuserrecord, addeventrecord', simplified work is used. Only one parameter is needed to successfully execute a method.
- The program supports both encrypting methods (OpenSSL, 3DES) for different versions of PHP.
- For the maximisation of security, the developer can set their own security keys and ports for security connection.
- The developer can customise the push URL address and also set up the push SQL. The developer chooses what events and controllers the push technology will apply to.
- The developer can completely customise the settings of their email service including Windows authorisation and emails including subject, header, footer, email body SQL.
- There is a debug window that, in realtime, shows the results of all requests and can also save to file.
- NET2 link lost failover feature, will restore lost connection automatically, doesn't require any operator action.
- Ability to activate and deactivate the program which helps if there is a need to quickly transfer the program from one computer to another.
- CloudBridge, say goodbye to difficulties with Firewall configurations.
Feature details:
1. List of supported methods:
activateioboardrelays | canauthenticate | getoperatorlevel | setdooropentime | viewcardtypes |
addaccessLevel | closedoor | getproducttype | silencealarm | viewdepartments |
addcard | deleteaccesslevel | holddooropen | updateaccesslevel | viewevents |
adddepartment | deletecard | isuserpermittedthroughdoor | updatedepartment | viewdoors |
addeventrecord | deletedepartment | lasterrormessage | updateoemsetting | viewioboardinputs |
addnewuser | deletetimezone | opendoor | updatetimezone | viewioboardoutputs |
addtimezone | flashaccessdenied | pulse (Net2Web) | updateuserrecord | viewioboards |
adduserrecord | flashaccesspermitted | purgeuser | username | viewtimezones |
addvehicleregistration | geteventdescriptions | querydb | viewaccessleveldetail | viewuserrecords |
addvehicleregistrator | getlistofoperators | serverhostname | viewaccesslevels | |
authenticateuser | getoemsetting | serverlastchecked | viewcards | |
Advanced Permissions | updateuserrecord | viewuseraccesslevelsadvancedpermissions | viewuserindividualaccessadvancedpermissions |
2. Difficult methods; samples of simple syntaxes:
addnewuser | accesslevelid, departmentid, antipassbackind, alarmuserind, firstname, middlename, surname, telephoneno, telephoneextension, pincode, picturefilename, activationdate, cardnumber, cardtypeid, active, faxno, expirydate, userpicture, field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, field11, field12, field13, field14 |
updateuserrecord | userid, accesslevelid, departmentid, antipassbackind, alarmuserind, firstname, middlename, surname, telephoneno, telephoneextension, pincode, picturefilename, activationdate, cardnumber, cardtypeid, active, faxno, expirydate, customfields, userpicture, field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, field11, field12, field13, field14 |
updateuserrecord | Advanced Permissions: advancedaccesslevelid, advancedindividualid, advancedindividualtimezoneid |
addeventrecord | eventtype, eventsubtype, deviceserialaddress, devicesubaddress, userid, cardnumber, eventdetail, linkedeventid, ioboardid, ioboardinputid, ioboardoutputid |
NET2 SDK: must be provided by all parameters
oemclient_xml($SID, 'addnewuser', array('accesslevelid' => "value", ..... , 'userpicture' => "value", 'field1' => "value", ..... , 'field14' => "value"));
oemclient_xml($SID, 'updateuserrecord', array('userid' => "value", 'accesslevelid' => "value", ..... , 'userpicture' => "value", 'field1' => "value", ..... , 'field14' =>"value"));
oemclient_xml($SID, 'addeventrecord', array('eventtype' => "value", 'eventsubtype' => "value", ..... ));
NETW2WEB: only one parameter is enough
oemclient_xml($SID, "addnewuser", array('firstname' => "firstname"));
oemclient_xml($SID, "updateuserrecord", array('userid' => "value", 'firstname' => "firstname"));
array(...,'userpicture'=>"value"); //"VALUE" is PHP base64_encode(file_get_contents('filename.bmp'));
oemclient_xml($SID, "addeventrecord", array('eventtype' => "value"));
//Advanced Permissions easy works
//Add user permissions
$result_xml = oemclient_xml($SID, "updateuserrecord", array('userid' => "3649", 'advancedaccesslevelid' => "3", 'advancedindividualid' => "1000011", 'advancedindividualtimezoneid' => "1"));
//Remove user permissions, access id must be negotive
$result_xml = oemclient_xml($SID, "updateuserrecord", array('userid' => "3649", 'advancedaccesslevelid' => "-3", 'advancedindividualid' => "-1000011"));
3. The program supports both encrypting methods (OpenSSL, 3DES) for different versions of PHP.
Net2Web automatically recognizes encrypting types, it is coming from Net2Web PHP file: ne2web.inc.php
// Main OemClient part, return XML
function oemclient_xml($sid, $method, $parameters_array = array()) {
//Use OpenSSL
$use_ssl = True;
4. Your own security keys and ports for security connection.
These settings must be set using the same values from NET2WEB and PHP file sides.
With Net2Web Cloud Bridge, don't need any modification with Firewall configurations, your data is under the protection of the SSL security protocol.
// FILE: ne2web.inc.php
// Don't forget replace key for your own
$securekey = "123456789012123456789012";
// Main OemClient part, return XML
function oemclient_xml($sid, $method, $parameters_array = array()) {
// Connection settings
$url = "http://localhost"; // Url address of your pc
$url_port = "7070"; // Port of Net2web
$url_oem = $url . ":" . $url_port . "/oemclient.xml"; // Oemclient service name DO NOT CHANGE
// Get key from global variable, find it on top of file
$key = $GLOBALS['securekey'];
Cipher settings.
5. The developer can customise the push URL address and also set up the push SQL.
Push tab. Use TEST button for immediately test of your PUSH client or test your custom SQL.
Push transfers, SQL result like POST data and URL parameters like GET data.
Create your own event list with add / delete buttons.
Manage monitoring controller list with a simple click on IN/OUT check box.
6. The developer can completely customise the settings of their pulse email.
The email body can be plain text or HTML. For better customisation of pulse emails, additional tags can be used like {date, time, new line}.
Pulse supports unlimited amounts of saved template files which can be used on demand.
Turn on the Pulse feature with a scheduled email or by demand by just clicking on Pulse settings check boxes.
You can start up the pulse method directly using the NET2WEB URL with the pulse link.
You can customise pulse with an extra parameter {file} and provide a template file name. The template file must be saved onto the Net2Web folder.
or as oemclient.xml method
$result_xml = oemclient_xml($SID, "pulse");
$result_xml = oemclient_xml($SID, "pulse", array('file' => "test.pul"));
7. There is a debug window that, in realtime, shows the results of all requests and can also save log to file.
You can manage how many details you would like to see in the log window. See Connect page for debug switches.
The debug window provides you with a lot of useful information, which makes development easy.
8. NET2 link lost failover feature.
Failover restores lost connection automatically, doesn't reuire any operator action.
If Pulse feature is setup for work, emails of lost and reconneted will be sent.
9. Ability to activate and deactivate the program which helps if there is a need to quickly transfer the program from one computer to another.
There is also a possibility to save registration information as a file and activate the program offline.
On the registration page, you can always see information about the subscription end date.
An automatic email will be sent out about your subscription ending as well.
10. CloudBridge feature.
Say goodbye to difficulties with Firewall configurations and ingress Paxton access control with ease, all under the protection of the security protocol.